Business studio AG.
Investment studio AG.
Sales and promotion.
Service “Business develops business”
The application of a body of knowledge in the field of economics, investment, finance, taxes, law, marketing and management, combined with the experience of our team, is the key to success.
With us you get professional services corresponding to the technologies of time. We create effective solutions that take into account the features of your commercial activity. Effective solutions adjust the activities and improve quantitative and qualitative indicators. Thanks to the wide range of services provided, you get the opportunity to raise business to a new level. We can satisfy the complex and subtle needs of your business. We combine the creative approach and understanding of the material aspects of commercial and production activities. We lead you to achieve higher business results.
Our service develops your business.
Business studio AG
Comprehensive planning, management of projects and areas of work (pricing, management of personnel numbers and productivity of personnel). Responsibility, indicators, reporting
Opening branches, representative offices and companies with foreign participation in Russia, accreditation, changes, registration of foreign labor force (quotas, HQS, work permits). We form proposals for opening companies abroad individually.
A comprehensive audit of counterparties, employees, providing a large spectrum of various information, mining of information abroad
Investment studio AG
We study your investment intentions and documentation, check the quality of calculations and the completeness of the development of the investment project, provide recommendations
Complete modeling (formation of an action program, definition of the execution environment, financial planning and calculations, investment planning and calculations), preparation of investment project documentation
Accompaniment of financing issues, provision of financing, search for financing
Sales and promotion
We help to select options, organize transactions. In foreign economic activity, we are focused on the markets of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the East.
We identify the advantages of your products, works or services and your team in the relevant markets, help develop a promotion strategy, check the quality of your results, give recommendations
We help you participate in competitive procedures, prepare documents, accompany you in necessary matters
Our values
A complex approach
Team work on processes. A wide range of our competencies and services gives you the opportunity to solve many issues in one place
Friendly approach
In our work we value and carefully treat acquaintances, personal contacts, friendship. As a result, openness and trust are established in relationships
Efficiency and expediency
Projects should not come to an aimless waste of effort, time, health and material assets. We uphold the principle of efficiency in working with business processes
We protect the confidentiality of projects and data of our clients, we ensure the safety of the information received in the process of work. We recognize the solution of our customers' cases through their trusted persons
We coordinate every step, you will observe the progress of work as detailed as possible. There is a customer in the working group, we achieve outstanding results together and share knowledge
Distribution and rationality
Beneficial use of available resources to develop assets, improve work processes and the quality of results achieved. Planning and securing processes
AG speaks about business and success

Ekaterina V. Naumova
Alterra Group President, Lawyer, financier
The business journey towards success is full of challenges. The more persistent is the behavior and the smarter is the strategy, the more chances to achieve the aimed result

Nalimov E. Vladimirovich
Lawyer, advocate
How people treat themselves personally, the same attitude they have towards their businesses. We have a professional approach towards the solution of any type of problems

Shalyagina Natalya D.
Manager, marketer
Allterra Group – a group of companies with a great history of activity. We are ready for difficult tasks for the success of our customers