ASI session. 100 steps to a favorable investment climate

ASI session. 100 steps to a favorable investment climate


The session of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives was held in the conference halls “Four Seasons” in Moscow. The session of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives was attended by Igor Shuvalov, Alexander Shokhin, Andrey Belousov and other leaders of the development of industry, construction and public administration.

The Session discussed issues of land administration, tax relations, management of economic activities of the regions of Russia. We discussed the problems of accounting for property objects, issuing construction permits, designing technical connection and connection to networks and operation, opening of enterprises and export issues. Emphasis was placed on the development of infrastructure for the export of Russia’s natural resources abroad.

The participants expressed their views on the problems of management and expressed hopes for improving the mechanisms of life administration in the regions. The scope of administration included a fairly short list of questions.

The tax problems voiced by business representatives (the decentralization of certain types of payments, which are the exclusive prerogative of local budgets) did not concern the main topics of the Session and had not deserved the attention of federal figures.

Otherwise, the department’s reporting was successful, the system according to statistics works “as it should”. Russia is strengthening as a supplier of resources and top-level officials are ready to solve issues related to this high mission. Emphasis is placed on the construction of enterprises trading in natural resources. This explains the name of the event and the scope of the issues raised, including exports. The investment model was not disclosed as the topics of the session, although resource trading cannot initially be called investments. It is likely that investments in exports will take place through investments in the construction of infrastructure facilities and the adjustment of issues of technical connection, registration of rights and so on was discussed. Rhetorically: “Who will be the investor?”. Yes, a narrow-profile event. 

What is the method of managing facilities, the formula for settlements with investors, ownership rights at the end of construction and during the operation of facilities? Why are administrative levers being activated on such a large scale? 

The business that attended the session raised their questions, but, alas, they turned out to be “not in the checkout.” Issues and aspects of business activity at such a global level have never been raised.

The potential of the domestic market and its root problems were not the subject of the Session. Businesses whose activities are not aimed at the traffic of raw materials should think about solving problems on their own, strategies and means.

Everything that happens determines the current policy, the interest of the “state” and the vectors of development. For more than 30 years, at various levels, there has been talk about the need to move away from the resource-based economy and overcome the backwardness of technologies and institutions of society, but it is obvious that this is accompanied by increased measures to build an economy based on finite natural resources. I think the domestic market, its ability to reproduce, flexible consumption, processing and frugality has not yet been appreciated.

P.S.: The article is for informational purposes only. The author does not pretend to be objective and all of the above is not intended to offend and defame anyone under the guise of value judgment.

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