Intellectual property of business

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Intellectual property of business

Everyone knows that in a market economy, the rights of the owner and his property interests are at the forefront. The regime of ownership and owner’s rights applies to tangible and intangible assets. Intangible assets consist of rights, technologies, software products and more. All this forms the intellectual and other property, funds, capital and wealth of the business.

In business, intangible assets are primarily licenses, websites, software products, technologies, inventions, patents, trademarks, i.e. intellectual property objects.

Strangely enough, often businesses and many entrepreneurs do not form intellectual property and do not take into account the unique features of their activities.

Intellectual property is often not defined, not formed, not evaluated, the rights of the owner are not fixed, the protection of intellectual property is not carried out. Businessmen often “give” their developments to those who can’t come up with anything and improve. What for?

Intellectual property is a good way to form a part of business capital in order to further protect it, especially in activities that use and invent expensive software, technologies, innovative methods and ways of doing business.

Commercialization of intangible assets is a good way to increase the value of existing business projects, to fill them with security, individuality and guarantees of feasibility. Increasing the cost of projects increases their investment attractiveness.

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