What different financing!

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What different financing!

The absolute majority of organizations and enterprises had a need to attract external financing. The most popular measure is to attract a bank loan. The lending process that many have faced… At first glance, there is no problem obtaining bank loans – the Company would have a collateral object suitable in value and liquidity and satisfactory accounting statements. But as many people know, the process of preparing documents for checking the creditworthiness of a Company by a bank is a very laborious process, the positive outcome of which is not guaranteed. Faced with the real requirements of banks to potential borrowers, company executives and financial managers in “fire mode” begin to look for acceptable solutions.

An alternative to bank lending can be direct investments, as well as the conclusion of a purchase and sale transaction of a part of the business for guarantees of receipt of funds from the owner in the development of the business in the future or simultaneously with the completion of such a transaction.

If you are the owner of a ready-made business and decided to open additional locations, in this case it is reasonable to prepare an investment project and look for an investor. Investments do not directly imply the entry of a third party into your business as the owner. The main task of an investor is to find projects worthy of his attention, evaluate them, invest his capital, and then receive the funds of discounting and financing provided to them in a timely manner. The investor needs guarantees, but at the same time he remains “free”. All the burdens of the execution of the investment plan lie on the team of the owner of the investment project. Thus, in addition to the standard way of financing your activities, you get several new options for attracting financing.

The AG Service “External accounting” will help you in the format of bank lending   (https://buhg.allterra.group/)

To conclude a purchase and sale transaction of a part of the business in exchange for financing funds, the AG “Corporate Lawyer” Service will help you (https://law.allterra.group/kuplja-prodazha-biznesa/)

To attract investors, use the Service for business “Invest Studio AG” (https://www.allterra.group/). 

We put the documentation in order, develop plans, organize transactions.

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