Real limitations of marketing activities

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Real limitations of marketing activities

There are two types of restrictions in marketing activities. The first limitation comes from the management environment and can be defined as “technical”, it is not permanent. The second limitation is a qualitative limitation and it is an insurmountable limit of marketing activities.

It is a difficult duty to unite all these but need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

A real marketer works with the seller’s product, and not with the competitors’ product and the results of competitors’ marketing activities, which is often “rushed” by newcomers. The management environment in real marketing is the seller and his product. The marketer should manage the promotion based on the seller’s condition, including financial, based on the seller’s business development level. If the seller’s capabilities are not great, then this becomes a technical limitation for the marketer at the start. This is not a critical condition, it is the natural and real condition of most sellers. Let’s recall the main task of marketing “promotion”. The marketer indirectly, through the sale of the seller’s product, develops his business. At the first steps, the marketer must understand the seller’s business and feel the balance between the seller’s current capabilities and the volume of possible and necessary advertising campaigns. The marketer, through competent work and through achieving stable sales of goods with their inherent frequency and consumption rate, gradually removes the existing technical limitation for himself. The transition to powerful marketing activities should be smooth and well-conditioned.

The results of marketing research are probabilistic in nature.

The results of marketing research are not absolute, but only probabilistic. These can be judgments about the dynamics of the market, its volume, and the needs of the target audience. And all this will be well-conducted marketing researches. 

In the course of the study, completely different sources, different mathematical models, different analytical approaches can be applied, efforts from moderate to colossal can be made, but all these are not exact conclusions, but probabilities. We must not forget about this and blindly believe the result of any marketing research. Markets are immeasurable to the end, markets are unstable and dynamic. Marketing predicts the development of markets only with a certain degree of probability. This is an insurmountable limitation of marketing activities.

It is impossible to conduct marketing research once and for all.

Marketing is not omnipotent. It is impossible to conduct marketing research once during the period of work on the project and use its results all the time. The longer the project goes on, the more clearly and faster the results of this marketing research become obsolete. The results of marketing research cannot remain relevant all the time.

The results of marketing research are valuable only for the first time after they are received and should be applied immediately.

Technologies are changing, markets are changing, business connections are changing, the consumer is changing. Conducting marketing research “for the future” is completely meaningless. This restriction is rather a rule for deciding whether to conduct marketing research as such.


How to make marketing good, read the following author’s article from AG.

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